My Projects
ROS 2, C++, Optimal Control
Quadruped Crowd Navigation
ROS 2, C++, Trajectory Generation
Low Level Quadruped Gait
ROS 2, Computer Vision, MoveIt
Robot Jenga Assistant
Unitree, strace, GDB
Hacking Unitree Cameras
C++, Git
Intern at Boston Dynamics
ROS 2, C++, SLAM
EKF SLAM on a Turtlebot3
Microcontrollers, C
EMG Powered Gripper
Particle Physics, Electronics
Technician at CERN
YouBot, CoppeliaSim, PI Control
Mobile Manipulator Simulation
Dynamics, Simulation, Python
Plinko Simulation
Computer Vision, Python
Robot Pen Thief
About me!
Hello! I'm Divyam Bansal, a software developer and data scientist driven by my passion for unraveling the complexities of real-world challenges. My journey in tech has been fueled by curiosity and the desire to make impactful contributions. Working within dynamic teams, I've found my true calling—leveraging collaborative strengths to innovate and solve problems at scale. My toolkit is a blend of coding prowess and analytical insight, enabling me to turn data into decisions and ideas into reality. Welcome to my portfolio, where each project is a testament to my dedication to excellence and my journey in making a difference.